Token Installation

PROXKey token Digital Signature On MAC Using Adobe DC

PDF Sign on MAC Operating System This article will show you how to digitally sign a pdf document on a Mac with Adobe DC. Digitally signed documents are required such as invoice signing and imp documents. You can use a digital signature with PROXKey Token to sign a pdf file. The following steps must be […]

Remote access for support

LAUNCHING REMOTE ACCESS SOFTWARE ProxKey Token has inbuilt remote access utility for its users to get live remote support from our support center in case of any issues while using a digital signature in proxkey token.   Following steps to be followed for launching remote access utility Locate WD ProxKey Icon on the desktop, double […]

Import Certficate (.pfx or .p12) & Root Certificate (.cer)

A digital signature can also be generate in a soft format in the form of .pfx or .p12 file. This article will help you to import a digital signature in your ProxKey USB Token. Also you can import root certificate using the same techniques Import Certificate in Token Install the token middle ware / driver […]

ProxKey DLL file

ProxKey DLL File Location ProxKey USB Token can be manually located at the following location in case some PKI apps require manually invoking the token dll file. dll file is name as SignatureP11.dll and can be located at following path Go My Computer –> C Drive (Windows Installation Driver) –>Windows –>System 32 –> SignatureP11.dll

Update ProxKey Driver

ProxKey tokens have automatic update feature, where in when the new software is released for the tokens it will be uploaded in the FTP. The installed driver or middle ware periodically checks the FTP if any new update is available and if any new release is found it will automatically prompt for update. following are […]

Check Driver version

CHECK DRIVER VERSION ProxKey token has various drivers released from time to time to update its software to meet the operating system developments. You can check the your installed driver version by following some simple steps as under : Locate “WD ProxKey” Icon on the desktop,  double click on it to launch the token utility […]

Change User PIN

CHANGE TOKEN USER PIN User PIN is the password which the subscriber of the digital signature (DSC application) will have to use while doing a digital signature using his ProxKey token. User PIN has to be kept confidential and not to be disclosed to any other person. ProxKey USB Token has a SOFT KEY facility […]

PROXKey token driver Installation – Windows OS

PLUG & PLAY DRIVER INSTALLATION The ProxKey comes with the autorun supported ND (No Driver) feature. User can install the ProxKey tool just by plugging the token into the USB slot, the installation and details of the ProxKey  tool is explained in detail below. Once the token is plugged into the USB slot the auto […]

System requirements for PROXKey token

ProxKey USB Token is a hardware cryptographic module with a USB form factor for two-factor authentication which has been validated against the FIPS 140-2 at security level 3. Minimum hardware system required for using ProxKey tokens are as under 512 MB Ram USB 2.0 support 100 MB Free space on hard disk ProxKey Tokens are compatible […]